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Caring for others and extending a helping hand is the heart of Missions Outreach at Smyrna First United Methodist Church. We take seriously the commandment in 1 Peter 4:10 that each of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
Smyrna FUMC is excited to be a host site for Project Transformation's summer day camp for children. Register now for the summer.
Our Food Pantry is open every Wednesday, 3:00-6:00 pm and is in constant need of donations and volunteers to provide emergency food for the community. Donations can be dropped off in the Food Wagon in the narthex or by the church office during the week. The pantry can always use detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, canned meats, canned fruit, cereal, crackers and peanut butter.
The Mission Team in conjunction with the UWF is continuing the backpack feeding program for Smyrna Elementary School children who are “food insecure.” Food insecure means children, who participate in the free or reduced price lunch program, including homeless children, may or may not have anything to eat on weekends. Gallon size food bags contain 2 breakfast items, 2 lunch/dinner items, 2 snacks, and 2 drinks, and are sent home in the children’s backpacks each weekend.
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) alleviates human suffering, whether caused by war, conflict or natural disaster. UMCOR operates throughout the world and the US.
Smyrna First is honored to partner with the city of Smyrna to keep our community beautiful and litter free as we seek to be good stewards of creation through the Adopt-A-Highway program. Through this initiative we pick up litter alongside Enon Springs Rd. from Lowry St. to Nissan Pkwy several times a year.
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